About Hanyu Nextel
A IT distribution service provider engaged in sale, retail, wholesale and special sale of ICE devices.

About Hanyu Nextel

Starting with sale of wireless/wired communication services supplied by SK Telecom in 1997, Hanyu Nextel is achieving growth by expanding distribution network on the back of sale, wholesale, retail and special sale of ICT devices.
Hanyu Nextel has developed into a competitive mobile communication and Internet service provider on the back of dynamic and enterprising managerial strategies befitting the era of wired/wireless convergence.
The company will grow into a hidden champion on the ICT sector by selling mobile phones, inducing subscribers, marketing Internet service and connected products and operating directly managed stores, on/off-line agencies and consignment agencies.
The company will do whatever it can to be trusted and adored by customers by fulfilling social responsibility at a social and environmental level as an ICT market leader.