CEO’s Message
We're delivering heartfelt words of gratitude from CEO of Hanyu Nextel.

A company cherishing communication among people.
Welcome to Hanyu Nextel homepage!
Hanyu Nextel is a specialized ICT distributor that was established in January 2012 based on investments made by Hanyu L&S with an aim to help customers experience a more convenient information communication world.
Since its foundation in 2012, the company has achieved a continuous growth on the back of customers’ consistent support. Experiencing a remarkable growth only for five years, the company has endeavored to provide quality services to customers through establishment of distribution network and improvement of distribution structure based on the strongest competitiveness and distribution infrastructure.
In return for customers’ constant support, Hanyu Nextel will always welcome its customers with a bright smile and is committed to making a fundamental change in the market based on honest business practice. In addition, the company will provide its customers with new experiences and special value on the strength of differentiated services while pursuing to emerge as a genuine leader in the ICT distribution sector.
Once again, we would like to thank you for visiting our website and ask you to continue to throw support behind our efforts.